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Sunday, April 25, 2010

Decisions Decisions

I have been presented with a few opportunities that I have been mulling over the past month. My last post on contentment was spurred on by my current situation of bewilderment on what to do.

Opportunity #1: I have seriously considered a career in law enforcement for sometime now. It has always been an attractive job to me for many reasons. Long story short, I am in the applicant process for Rialto Police Department. Over a month ago I passed the written and three weeks ago I passed the agility exam (with flying colors I might add). The big day, however, is May 4th. That Tuesday is the Oral Board Examination. From what I understand, this will consist of department heads questioning me about my life, interests, skills, knowledge, intentions; essentially, everything under the sun regarding my character and my interests in the job. I am nervous just thinking about it. Pass and I enter the academy which the city will pay for me to attend. Good deal.

Opportunity #2: English. China. 10 months. I have been offered a teaching job in China that would last for 10 months (September '10- June '11). Teaching English at a private school in the capital city of Hebei not only sounds dreamy, but it would give me that oppurtunity to travel (and live!) abroad; a dream I have always held ever since I drank my first Thai Ice Tea. Mmm. The pay isn't great but I would get free room and internet. What else could I need? :-p The catch was that I had to make a decision by a few days ago. However due to my situation, which I explained dutifully to my Chinese contact, she has granted my till May 9th to give my yes/no. Most people think it would be a great opportunity for me, but they may just be saying that so I leave. I can't tell. As of now, it is my fall back choice. If I pass my oral board, then most likely I will stay right where I am.

Opportunity #3: If all else fails, I tryout for the Senior Photography department at Lifetouch. The Senior department would mean longer hours (though less traveling), a very small pay increase, more portrait photography (my absolute least favorite form), and no life. All in all, it wouldn't be too bad.

In the meantime, I have been studying for the oral board exam, reading up on Shijiazhuang, China, taking hundreds upon hundreds of school portraits, playing video games, and desperately praying to God for direction. I would appreciate your prayers too. There are more details that I decided to spare you from. If you are truly interested, you know my number.


  1. Elijah,WOW. What a dilemna. The real word is choice.What would make you happiest? It is about you right now. Law enforcement is a respectful field,as well as teaching in another country. I work with several chinese nurses,and they are the kindest and smartest group of people I have ever known.You would be so appreciated to their community and it is a short term goal that would not set you back to far off the road your on if you tried it.Whatever you choose ,our family support your decision and love you very much,whatever you do.Love,Aunt Nancy

  2. Wow. That's quite a lot to consider. I'll be praying that God directs and leads you. I know he can use you in any of those situations.

  3. Them some big opportunities man! If it were me, I would totally go for the biggest adventure(regardless of pay or importance)! Cross-cultural travel and helping people through teaching are both life changing and useful experiences. I will be praying for you and know that God will lead you to the perfect decision for whatever it is you need in your life right now.

  4. Have no fear, the answer is clear and you know it...China, China, China, China, China. Do it while you are young and relatively unattached. Travel, see new places, experience new things. You can always come back and be in law enforcement (somewhat contradictory to Libertarianism, I think, but that is another topic for another day). Go, go, go, go, go to China and experience things you can't get here. Do it now while you are just a babe in the woods...there will always be a shortage of people willing to put their life on the line for chump change and always a plethora of morons unwilling to play by the rules. Cities like Rialto are a dime a dozen and if they aren't hiring when you get back ten other places will be. It is a no brainer. You passed the tests once, you can pass them again later. Just get some minimum wage summer job until September and have the time of your life in China. Besides the cultural experience and the good you will do by the skill you bring, you will come back bilingual in a language that will allow you to kick ass in the business world if you choose to go that route. It will give you a whole new set of career opportunities you aren't even considering right now. China shouldn't be your fall back, it should be your FIRST CHOICE. You should be able to figure out who I am and know that I am a fairly sane and somewhat wise old soul who has done a lot in this life...
